Removes Static, Dust, Debris from Vinyl Records

Featuring 1,248,000 super-conductive carbon fibers, our new record brush gently reaches into the groove, pulling out dust and dirt that would otherwise snap, crackle, and pop through your speakers. Don't let those little intrusions turn into big interruptions.


我们的新唱片刷配有 1,248,000 根超导碳纤维,可轻轻伸入凹槽,清除灰尘和污垢,否则这些灰尘和污垢会从扬声器中爆裂、噼啪作响。不要让这些小干扰变成大干扰。

The AudioQuest Gold Anti-Static Record Brush is designed to safely remove dust and debris from vinyl records. It features conductive carbon fiber bristles and gold contacts to eliminate static electricity.

AudioQuest Gold 防静电唱片刷专为安全清除黑胶唱片上的灰尘和碎屑而设计。它采用导电碳纤维刷毛和金触点来消除静电。


Dimensions 尺寸:

11.4 cm x 3.8 cm x 1.9 cm

21 cm x 10.5 cm x 2.5 cm (with packaging)


Weight 重量:


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